Symptoms in Detail
It sounds unusual...
...but some women have said they feel an electric shock sensation rather like a ‘snap, crackle and pop’ under their skin.

What causes electric shocks?
Electric shock sensation (ESS) is sometimes described as a feeling of electricity shooting through your body. Although fleeting, ESS often occurs as a precursor to a hot flush and it can be painful and uncomfortable.
Electric shock sensation is not well understood but it’s believed to be related to the brain-estrogen and central nervous system link. So, as estrogen fluctuates and declines during peri/menopause the messages it sends to the brain can be short-circuited.
What can you do to help ease this symptom?
Try and minimise your stress levels by staying active, meditating, practising mindfulness, eating well and deep breathing.
Yoga is a good practise to take up at this time.
Take Merry Peri® or Perky Post® to help balance your levels of estrogen.
Know the 34 symptoms of menopause
Here are all of the documented symptoms of menopause you need to look out for:
Physical Symptoms
- Incontinence
- Changes in Body Odour
- Bouts of Rapid Heart Beat
- Breast Pain
- Headaches
- Joint Pain
- Itchy Skin
- Burning Mouth Syndrome
- Electric Shock Sensation
- Digestive Problems
- Gum Problems
- Increased Tension in Muscles
- Formication - Crawly Skin
- Paresthesia - Numbness in Hands and Feet
- Osteoporosis - After Several Years