Real Stories of Menopause
In our Women Like Us – Real Stories Of Menopause series, we caught up with Jackie Adam to talk about what menopause feels like for her.
Thanks for taking part in Women Like Us – Real Stories Of Menopause Jackie. Can you tell us where you’re based?
Yes, of course.
I live on the South Island of New Zealand in a small town called Milton. It’s south of Dunedin, not far from Balclutha. So if you were driving from Dunedin to Queenstown or Wanaka you would come upon Milton which has a population of 2000.
I’m originally from Dunedin but I’ve been in Milton for 34/35 years.
Where are you on your journey of menopause?
I was born in 1967 and I have four children and seven grandchildren so they keep me busy!

Of my children, I have a daughter in Balclutha who has a six-month-old, a son in Milton who has a boy and a girl and a son in Cromwell who has triplets and a daughter. As well as that my youngest daughter is 21-years-old and she’s completing childcare training in Queenstown.
I’ve been very lucky in that they’re all quite close to me.
Can you share with us your menopause experience for Real Stories Of Menopause?

Sure. I started experiencing hot waves. While I didn’t really understand what was happening I did start wondering and think ‘maybe this is perimenopause’.
Additionally, I think the waves might be because I work in a hot, stuffy café and I do have the odd coffee.
Weight wise I’ve been OK. Of course, we have some beautiful food at work but I’m pretty good on the whole. Accordingly, I don’t often indulge – I might have the odd thing but not habitually. Sometimes I feel like something sweet if I have a cup of tea at home so I go to the pantry and have half a muesli bar to satisfy it.
I’ve actually had sinus for about five years and I think that’s come along through midlife. It’s never occurred before and I also didn’t realise many of the aches and pains I was experiencing were part of getting older.
In addition, I certainly haven’t got the same amount of energy I once had but I try and look after myself. I take evening primrose oil (EPO) and I wouldn’t like to go without my MenoMe®.
Speaking of that has MenoMe® helped you throughout your menopause journey?
I took a natural supplement for women in their 30s for years but then I started getting hot waves. It was nothing too bad so I nipped it in the bud and moved straight to MenoMe®.
I didn’t even think about going down the HRT route.
I’ve been taking MenoMe® for 18 months or so and I make sure I never miss them. They’re my gold.
Sometimes I’ll get a fluctuation or a heatwave but I just keep on taking them. I wouldn’t be without them.
A friend was having a terrible time after a hysterectomy so I put her onto MenoMe®. As a result, she feels so much better.
You’re using LotsaLocks®, our hair product too, aren’t you?
Yes, I was very excited to receive my LotsaLocks®. I’ve been taking it for over a month now and I must admit my hair already feels like it’s got a bit more life, a bit more fullness. And so do my nails.
Thanks for generously sharing your journey in our Real Stories of Menopause collection Jackie.
We know how different it can be for every woman and it’s by sharing your experience that other women can sometimes have a lightbulb moment.
Especially if they haven’t connected the dots between their experience and hormonal shifts.
Have you got a story to share in our Women Like Us Real Stories Of Menopause series?
Get in touch with us today.