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Women Like Us Share Personal Stories Of Menopause: Rebecca & Lyndal


In our Women Like Us – Personal Stories Of Menopause series, Rebecca* and Lyndal* filled out our Q&A form and shared what menopause has meant for them.

Rebecca’s* personal story of menopause

MM: When did you first realise perimenopause had begun?

Rebecca: Six years ago – when I was only 37.

MM: Did you understand what perimenopause (as opposed to menopause) was?

Rebecca: Yes.

MM: Did you feel you were too young?

Rebecca: Yes.

MM: Were you shocked/surprised?

Rebecca: Yes.

MM: What have been a few of your major challenges, if any?

Rebecca: Hot flashes/night sweats, restless legs, trouble sleeping, weight gain, anxiety.

MM: How did you overcome these if you have?

Rebecca: I haven’t yet.

MM: What have you struggled with?

Rebecca: Every aspect of perimenopause.

MM: Has there been a turning point for you at any stage?

Rebecca: Yes – two days ago, when I started taking MenoMe.

MM: Do you understand this journey?

Rebecca: Yes.

MM: Has MenoMe® contributed to your experience?

Rebecca: I’ve only been taking MenoMe for three days, and for the last two nights I’ve had no night sweats – at all. In addition, I slept for six hours straight both nights. This is very unusual for me because I’m usually woken up with restless legs and hot flashes. I can hardly believe it, but the only thing I’ve done differently this week is start taking MenoMe.

Lyndal’s* personal story of menopause

MM: When did you first realise perimenopause had begun?

Lyndal: At 49 when my PMS Symptoms ramped up.

MM: Did you understand what perimenopause (as opposed to menopause) was?

Lyndal: Not really. It wasn’t until someone already using MenoMe explained it and recommended I try MenoMe.

MM: Did you feel you were too young?

Lyndal: Not really.

MM: Were you shocked/surprised?

Lyndal: A little.

MM: What have been a few of your major challenges?

Lyndal: Anxiety out of nowhere.

MM: How did you overcome these if you have?

Lyndal: Doing stuff that fills my tank – solitude, exercise, laughter.

MM: What have you struggled with?

Lyndal: Mood swings. Low libido. Weight gain.

MM: Has there been a turning point for you at any stage?

Lyndal: Yes about 14-16 weeks after taking MenoMe. I got my period one day and my husband and I celebrated the fact that I didn’t have PMS beforehand. This is the new norm!

MM: Do you understand this journey?

Lyndal: Yes, after loads of research.

MM: Has MenoMe® contributed to your experience?

Lyndal: MenoMe has helped immensely.

MM Is there anything else you would like to add?

Lyndal: I won’t ever stop taking MenoMe. It is an absolute game-changer.
As a result of it, I am so much more level throughout the month and my libido has improved!

And I have more energy as well as my hair fall has lessened.

Thanks for generously sharing your journey’s in our Personal Stories of Menopause collection Rebecca* and Lyndal*.

We know how different it can be for every woman and it’s by sharing your experience that other women can sometimes have a lightbulb moment.

Especially if they haven’t connected the dots between their experience and hormonal shifts.

Have you got a story to share in our Women Like Us Personal Stories Of Menopause series?

Get in touch with us today, we welcome personal shares.

*At Rebecca and Lyndal’s request, we have used pseudonyms. As such, Rebecca and Lyndal are not their real names.

Disclaimer – The time it takes to experience improvements from MenoMe® Merry Peri® & Perky Post® is variable. No two women are the same, results will vary, and results cannot be guaranteed.

If you’d like to try Merry Peri® or Perky Post® click the button below.

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This is the time when menstruation is well and truly over, the ovaries have stopped producing high levels of sex hormones and for many ladies, perimenopause symptoms subside.

Estrogen has protective qualities and the diminished levels mean organs such as your brain, heart and bones become more vulnerable. It’s also a key lubricant so your lips may become drier, your joints less supple and your vagina might be drier. In addition, your thyroid, digestion, insulin, cortisol and weight may alter.

At this juncture, a woman might experience an increase in the signs of reduced estrogen but she should have a decrease of perimenopause symptoms. That said, some women will experience symptoms like hot flushes for years or even the rest of their lives.


Peri = ‘near’

Most females begin to experience the symptoms of perimenopause in their mid-forties. Your progesterone levels decline from your mid-30s but it’s generally from around 40 that the rest of your sex hormones begin to follow suit. 

Perimenopause is a different experience for every woman and some women may barely notice it. The first indicators are usually changes to the monthly cycle. This means that for some ladies, this can be accompanied by things like sore breasts, mood swings, weight gain around the belly, and fatigue as time goes on.

For those with symptoms it can be a challenging time physically, mentally and emotionally.

Importantly, perimenopause lasts – on average – four to 10 years. The transition is usually a gradual process and many women enter perimenopause without realising.