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Recipe: Overnight Oats For A Healthy Gut, Weight & Menopause
Did you know the food you eat is key to your journey through pre-, peri-, meno- and post-menopause? It can play a role in whether you experience weight gain and digestive issues such as gas, bloating and constipation. Indeed, the

Oooh, Deliciosa! Check Out These Super Versatile Chicken, Fish Or Tofu Fajitas
If you’ve never tried fajitas – or if you’ve only sampled the takeaway version – you’re in for a treat with these bad boys! Fajitas are refreshing and filling plus they’re full of phytonutrients, protein, good fat and fibre. All

12 Signs You Need To Love Your Gut Health For A Happy Menopause
When we’re talking about menopause, a key point is that gut health (aka digestive health) and emotions go hand in hand. Yep, an unhappy gut can mean you feel down, anxious or depressed. Who knew, right? Most of us think

9 Ways To Take Care Of Your Mood & Cognition | 2022 World Menopause Day
Shining a light on mood, cognition and brain fog. Every year WMD falls on October 18. It was established in 1984 alongside World Menopause Month by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Menopause Society (IMS) to create awareness

Holly’s Story | Is There A Link Between Underactive Thyroid & Perimenopause
Holly Zachan was 40 years old, juggling a business and being mum to two young children when she was blindsided by a diagnosis of hypoactive (underactive) thyroid disease.
After reacting to her medication, she started to connect the dots with

What’s Estrogen Dominance & 18 Reasons You Should Care
Estrogen dominance. Have you heard of it? If you answered yes, it’s not surprising because estrogen dominance (ED) is a bit of a buzzword. And while buzzwords become familiar the reality is that sometimes we don’t grasp what they actually

A Quick and Easy Citrus-sy Chicken Orange Stir Fry
A good stir fry can be a boon to busy midlife women who are grappling with perimenopause and post-menopause. Why? Because a stir fry can pack a nutrient-dense punch while being quick and easy. Plus it can cross off our

Have You Got A Beauty Issue? Midlife, Magnifying Mirror’s & Makeup
On this episode of Women On Fire® we’re talking about the beauty of ageing, common concerns such as hair changes and pigmentation as well as makeup.
As we grow older our hair changes, our skin changes and the way we

The Ultimate Guide On How To Deal With Menopausal Rage
Rage? Yep, it’s a menopausal ‘thing’ and usually occurs during perimenopause. Or, maybe you’re suffering from anger? That’s also a peri/menopausal ‘thing’. This is one of the thornier aspects of perimenopause and menopause and one that’s not always acknowledged. Many

Glow Up Guide: 6 Ways To Care For Your Hair, Skin & Nails Naturally
Did you know? One of the unexpected signs and symptoms of peri and post-menopause can be changes to hair, skin and nails. Not quite what we ordered, is it?! Indeed, entering perimenopause, menopause, post-menopause and midlife is a transformative phase

Mythbusting Menopause | Four Things It IS, and Four Things It ISN’T
According to Ms Google, a lot of women search the question ‘when does menopause begin?’ And Ms G knows everything, right? Well, maybe not quite everything, but pretty close! So let us address this common query for you. When does

A Delicious, Hormone-Loving Cauliflower Crust Pizza Rich in PPFF
Pizza, don’t you love it? I don’t know about you, but I’m totally addicted. In fact, when I was in Italy, I had it for dinner just about every night! However, now that I’m back to ‘real life’ my body