Are you experiencing constipation or sluggish poop movements?
Yep, we’re going there! 💩
Sorry to bring it up but it’s important. Although it can be uncomfortable too, both literally and figuratively (smile-y face).
Indeed, uncomfortable is the operative word because constipation and poop probs can show themselves as bloating, fluffing (gas), retention of fluid and skin issues. 🤭
And the truth is, constipation can happen during menopause and midlife along with other digestive issues.
It can be part and parcel of the journey.
So, in the interests of your best menopause, we kinda need to chat about your poop.
Why do you get constipated?

There can be a number of reasons for constipation and poop problems and one of these is a digestive system on the go-slow.
Other factors can include your diet, liver, gallbladder, gut flora (microbiome), digestive enzymes, stomach acid and how well you chew your food. Moreover, let’s not forget the overall impact of stress – your body will prioritise survival over poo. So it’s complicated stuff.
When it comes to your poop you want them nice and solid and travelling with ease. 💩
However, sometimes they can become either too loose or too compacted. Take a look at the Bristol stool chart to get an idea of where you’re at.
Does something need to change?
If so, you’re not alone my friend!
The link between your liver, gallbladder, bile & constipation

We often focus on loving your liver because it’s a major detoxification organ. As such, one of its jobs is to get rid of excess estrogen and other toxins we eat, produce or absorb. And if it can’t do this well your menopause signs and symptoms can be more intense. In addition, it may contribute to irregular pooping.
When it comes to your gallbladder and bile production it’s all interlinked with your liver. Furthermore, your liver makes bile which is stored by the gallbladder to help you process fats. If you’ve had your gallbladder removed, the liver still makes bile but it can’t store it so it’s produced on an as needed basis.
You might be thinking why’s she talking about my gallbladder, aren’t we supposed to be talking poop?
Yes, indeed!
But what you may not realise is a happy gallbladder helps to get your bowels moving.
This is because bile works with fats (or fat-soluble toxins) to support your poop to slide smoothly through your system. And if bile production isn’t functioning well it can clog things up.

So, a happy liver, happy gallbladder and happy bile = happy poo. 💩
Tip: although everybody’s different, the general consensus is most people poop anywhere from three times per week to three times per day.
Now we’ve got that backstory out of the way here are:
6 ways to boost your bowels
(ditch constipation and get you regular)

1. Eat fibre
Although fibre is important for pooping most of us don’t eat nearly enough it. In fact, gastroentologist – Dr Will Bulsiewicz – says 19 out of 20 people don’t eat enough fibre.
According to NRV (Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand), you should be eating 25g per day.
Dietary fibre is the indigestible part of fruit, vegetables and whole grains like oats, quinoa and legumes. They’re often called prebiotics and feed a healthy microbiome. You’ll also find it in prebiotic supplements (see 6).
There are two types of fibre:
- Soluble– helps keep blood sugar balanced, aids good digestion and keeps you fuller for longer. It also increases insulin sensitivity and improves gut health.
- Insoluble– soaks up water, softening your poop and cleaning out your colon. This helps to remove waste and excess toxins.
And if you doubt those statistics, fill up on larger servings on fibre-rich foods than you normally would and notice a. how much you poop and b. how easy it is! 💩
2. Ensure you’re adequately hydrated
Some people’s eyes glaze over when they’re encouraged to drink more water but it really is a game changer for many reasons from energy to brain fog. What’s more, it’ll help you poop and for our purposes today, that’s the goal right?
The current rule of thumb is 35 mls per kilogram of body weight. For example, if you’re 70 kg then 2.4 litres per day. However, for some people that’s a bit complicated so if that’s you, try this app.
And remember, if you eat a lot of high water content foods such as fibre-rich fruit and vegetables they count towards your daily hydration serves.
3. Take a load off your liver
Avoid liver loaders that impede the detoxification process such as caffeine, alcohol, refined sugars. While that’s a tall order for some (I can hear the groans!) the benefits are many.
And if it’s going to help you kick constipation to the curb isn’t it worth it? Actually, hot flushes and headaches can be indicative that your liver needs some love. That’s not the only cause for them of course, but an unhappy liver can contribute.
4. Go for bitter foods

Chow down on bitter foods such as rocket (pictured), watercress, kale, dandelion, saffron, sesame seeds, fenugreek and turmeric.
They encourage stomach acid, enzyme and bile production.
What’s more, in Ayurvedic terms they light your digestive fire or ‘agni’. But for today we’re super focused on releasing that bile with bitters.
5. Chew well
Many of us inhale our food (smile-y face). But even though that’s a slight exaggeration we often eat in a rush without a thought to chewing. The more we chew the better off our gut is. And by default, the better we poop because chewing helps soften and lubricate food supporting a smooth exit. Thirty times is the common prescription but that can be tough at times. Try 10-12 chews and build up.
6. Love your gut bugs
These are also known as your microbiome and we have trillions of them, both good and bad. 😀 You can help to support the good guys by taking a good digestive supplement in addition to your high-quality nutrition and hydration choices. Prebiotics feed the good bacteria in your gut and probiotics help populate more of them. That’s why we created Happy Go Tummy® which is a combination prebiotic and probiotic. To learn more read: What’s the difference between a prebiotic and a probiotic here.
If you want to win the fight against constipation and other poop problems it’s possible. 🥇
Don’t be embarrassed because it’s only natural – we’ve all probably had issues at some stage or another.
It’s pretty ‘crappy’ (pardon the pun!) but it’s true.
Firstly, it’s a good idea to understand a little bit about how your body works so you’re not flying blind.
We always say knowledge is power and it definitely is when it comes to your poop.
Lifestyle is always first on the support list, so if you need to incorporate a few lifestyle tweaks do so.
And back it up with some high quality tools like an excellent pre and probiotic synbiotic – that means combination. And we’ve got to say Happy Go Tummy® with award-winning Livaux® is a game changer.
Then you should be way ahead of the game!